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Saturday, August 30, 2008

8:10 AM

hmm....today couldnt go for the talent show because have to stay home to accompany my grandmother!!hahaha!!i miss a nice show man!!argh!!!anyway!today,i think i wanna try to write a song!!hahahaha!!i have very limited skills!!argh!!hahahaha!!dont know leh!!want to write a song!!!hahahaha!!so now!!2 problems!!lyrics!my england cant make it ah!hahahaha!!then skills and scales!!argh!!!must jiayou!!must be good in it!!thought putting in a solo!thats why!!hahahaha!!hmm....ahh!!!okok!!tink i need music theory lessons!!(from xing ying,she promised to teach me!oh ya,she is good by the way)ya!!!think tat will really really help!!hmmm...okok!!good!!thats about it for today!!hahahahaha!!update soon again !!!


Friday, August 29, 2008

5:56 AM

ahh....i think my blog is dead liao ah!!hahaha!!!okok,today i shall blog and will try to blog more often ah!!hahaha!!!pretty excited about the harvest event on this friday!one of my friend he promised me that he will be there!!he promised!!!(u know who u are!!)hahaha!!so gonna be quite fun!!anyway,planning to meet out some of my secondary school friends soon!miss all of them!!hahaha!!!I GOOD BOY LE!!actually i wasnt naugthy at all..just a little bit playful!!hahahaha!!lots of stupid things i did in that school!!with those people!!hahahah!!oh ya!!share something what God has done for me for this week!!tuesday!my granny had food poisoning!i was so worried i came back halfway from school!!i went home,she was lying down on the bed!i was just beside her...then i lay hands on her...i just prayed in my mind!!then i just walked off...then next day(wednesday) she was okay already!thurdays can really nag at me liao!!hahahaha!!thank God!!anyway,today morning,woke up early!!heared this sermon!!its call sermon on the mount!its said that it is one of the most important part of Jesus's ministry!!then today its bout the heart!like the type of fruits u have determine what seed u plant...and how deep the roots are!!not just the bad side!but the good side as well!!are your roots deep in God?hahaha!!and worship!dont just sing the right song or the 'feel good song'.but have a heart of worship..dont just go for mission trips..have a heart for mission!!so have to constant keep myself in check!!attitude!hahaha!!some sensitive topic!hahaha!!that one of the things God cannot change is your attitude!God gave us freedom of choice!and the attitude we have is a very sacred thing!!and praying!what do u pray for?what do u ask God for?are the things always about yourself?or is it about His kingdom and purpose?instead of asking God to do things for u why not asking God what can u do to for Him?not because He needs u..but u love Him so much and u want to do more for Him....and know the mind of God!if u want this,its gonna take time!!hahaha!!!u will have to have a good relationship!!and have u guys ever realise why some people pray nothing happens,but some people,they pray somethings just happens?all are relationship!!yeah!!develop a good relationship with God!!its gonna take some time!!hahahaha!!dont have to act or fake it!!people can see it by the fruits u produce!!!yeah!!so all these are thoughts for today!!!well!!lots of them!!!but its good for the soul!!yup yup!!!love all u people!!!and will try to update more often!!hahaha!!!

hard times is to strengthen us!!for God to be our strength!!!anyone can leave u but God in heaven will always be there for us!!man will fail u!!but God never fails!!when we feel the most down,most sad,feel most left out,confused or lost!!God is just beside us!!He knows our pain!!He promised us that He will never leave us nor forsake us!!anyone can let u down!but God will never let u down!!cry out to Him and His arms are always open for u!!!Jesus is still more important!!we are all about God and His business!!after this phrase then we can enjoy the fruits!!!press on!!never give up!!!I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE UP!!!NEVER GOING TO GIVE UP OR CALL IT QUIT!!NEVER EVER!!!Thank u Jesus!!!


Monday, August 11, 2008

7:23 PM

hey people...i dont know why suddenly people start to say next time my wife...thanks man!!hahaha!!thanks to my sister jolene and chanel...dont know why also...but anyway...my wife sure will enjoy her life de...so dont worry...ahh...must keep this blog updated..if not will die!!haha!!hmmm..just finish reading a book!!hahaha!!maybe going to borrow books from pastor!!he has lots of nice books man!!!hahaha!!i was in his office and wondering if one day i will have an office like that??have as much books as pastor!!hahaha!!!and even doing what pastor is doing right now!!its just so fun and amazing!!he has lots of stories to tell...all sorts of things he has come across!!haha!!life of adventure!!i want to have that kind of life too!!hahahaha!!if God be willing!!Life of missions!!okok..just wanna share with u guys a testimony!!haha!!!some of u guys already know!but i am going to share it here for all to see!!last monday..i actually had guitar lesson...and i was with someone...then i remembered that i am suppose to play basketball...so,i didnt want to go to guitar lesson and basketball....but then,somehow..felt that i have to go basketball.so i cancel my guitar lesson and went to play basketball...hahaha!!so when i was there..i saw this guy (Teeh) playing basketball!so i asked him to play with us..played and played..so i was sitting down and i told the rest of the guys that i have to get him man!!hahaha!!and our drama is about basketball!!so i asked him to sit down and we chat for awhile...and brought him for desert!!hahaha!!!so was talking to him and had fun man!!haha!!so,i met him again on friday for basketball!!so,i asked him if he is free on sunday to come to our church and take a look!!he says okay!!!so i was so happy!!praying for him to be saved!!haha!!true enough!!he came on sunday and gave his life to Jesus!!i was like sooooo happy man!!a soul got save heaven rejoices!!!and for me i have been praying for an open door.and one of the things is that i dont know how to talk to new people.i kind of suck at it.so anyway i just prayed..and God gave it to me!!i dont mind every week having something new!!!but anyway!!Thank u Jesus!!!hahaha!!yup!!so guys!!pray and believe for an open door man!!there is always someone out there ready to hear the gospel!!the havest is plenty but the labourers are few!!all the best people!!!God loves u all!!!see ya soon!!!


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

8:59 AM

well..erm...i wont be going for osaka...was with pastor just now...he said that india would be best!!!hehehe!so,i have decided to go to india instead!!yup..so exciting..the drama..argh!!as u all noe..i hate to act!i hate to dance too!!cause i cant act and i cant dance at all...but anyway i will do it for the love of God!hahahaha!!!been quite fun actually...i am acting as a cocky captain!when they announce the roles of the people..when poping said that the captain of the basketball is a cocky guy then everyone looks at me and call my name.....for wat i noe,i am a very good boy!!i am not cocky at all..hahaha!then some say just be yourself!!wat is that man!!!hahaha!!but anyway,its was soooo fun...doing something more for the Lord...very tired le...go and sleep le!!goodnight..God bless u all!!


Monday, July 28, 2008

9:08 AM

i shall keep my blog by updating!!haha!!alright!!erm...for me,as some of u know i was sick for awhile!!because,i ate durian for 3 days straight!!my mum bought durian so i keep wacking and wacking!!so shiok!!hahaha!!but,there is a price to pay!!haha!!sick!!argh!!!so,i miss quite alot!!so,yup!!now must start to mug for my subjects le!!!hahaha!!must aim to score high high!!so,if anyone of u wanna go out for group study can jio me!!hehe!!score well and give God the glory!!He has done so much for me,this is the least i can do for Him..and because previously i have been a bad boy,and some stuffs,then my studies wasnt good at all!!so how can i say that i know Jesus and yet i get such lousy results...people around me score good result and yet i like so cmi...it was just so sian!!so yup!!so my previous term,got 2 core subjects..one was programming.i wasnt good at that..so i didnt score that well but i pass...the other one i scored an A!!haha!!that subject i went to np to study with all those people who are there..even sundays i will go there and study..when i got the result i was so happy!!finally..i saw an A in my result slip..after a long long time!!i was like !!!THANK U JESUS!!so for this term...i will start mugging earlier!earlier than my friends...and score well again!!!yup..dont know why suddenly talk about all these...yeah!so,erm...take care!!God bless all of u people!!!


Friday, July 25, 2008

1:38 AM

Hi people!!okok,yesterday had a drink with pastor...hahaha!!i got a few questions to ask him...but he end up talking and talking till no chance to ask him anything...haha!!but i was so bless by hearing him talk about wats happening and how God is to him and all...about so many things!!pastor was sharing about this word call 'hope'..the english word is like a 50/50 kind of thing..like hoping for a car,hoping for a breakthru!but,the original meaning is not a 50/50!!u hope,and its like 100% u will get!!!so thats wat hope means in the bible...verses that says hope..it is tat meaning..and we have to think big...alot of christian living below their ability because they tink that they are stupid.useless and all...or even guilty!!by that,we are living below!!!so we are trying to say that Christ dying for u is just like nothing much..He died so we can live..not He die we suffer..why would God die for u and make u suffer or die?get what i mean?and Jesus became a sinner so that we might be a child of God..(King's kid)period..so guys,dream big!!!doesnt mean a pastor will be poor...i believe when we work for God we are not poor...although there wil be time where u will have to go thru all these...but,at the end goal...we are all rich and healthy..after all these times....i believe that i am going to drive a sports car in future!!hahaha!!!thats one of my dreams!!when we work for a King that owns the whole earth and universe...just think about it...and lastly,if those earthly parent knows how to give good gifts to their child,what more!!!WHAT MORE THE FATHER IN HEAVEN??!!AAHHH!!!!!!JESUS!!!okok,i hope this encourages u people!!!i was just so bless man!!!okok,see ya!!God bless u people!!!


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

12:51 AM

22 July 08 time:3.50pm

Sick!!oh no!!!this is so bad...ahh!!haha!!so been staying at home,reading books and all...haha!i am going to make a peace treaty with everyone in church!!the way people use camera!!haha!!(yea,u noe wat am i talking about)lets not take ugly photos of people!hahahaha!!lets just take nice pictures of people!!because camera is use for taking nice things!not bad n ugly things!!hahahahaha!!!i shall not pose any examples because i was given a warning when i started tis blog..not to pose any ugly photos of people!haha!!so..erm..yup!!hahahaha!!do u tink this will work?i mean this treaty!!the peace treaty!!okok people,if u noe anyone tat is like tat please tel them that they will have to stop because of the Cam war treaty!!!so spread around okay??hahaha!!God bless u people!!have a great day!!God bless all of u!!!