5:56 AM
ahh....i think my blog is dead liao ah!!hahaha!!!okok,today i shall blog and will try to blog more often ah!!hahaha!!!pretty excited about the harvest event on this friday!one of my friend he promised me that he will be there!!he promised!!!(u know who u are!!)hahaha!!so gonna be quite fun!!anyway,planning to meet out some of my secondary school friends soon!miss all of them!!hahaha!!!I GOOD BOY LE!!actually i wasnt naugthy at all..just a little bit playful!!hahahaha!!lots of stupid things i did in that school!!with those people!!hahahah!!oh ya!!share something what God has done for me for this week!!tuesday!my granny had food poisoning!i was so worried i came back halfway from school!!i went home,she was lying down on the bed!i was just beside her...then i lay hands on her...i just prayed in my mind!!then i just walked off...then next day(wednesday) she was okay already!thurdays can really nag at me liao!!hahahaha!!thank God!!anyway,today morning,woke up early!!heared this sermon!!its call sermon on the mount!its said that it is one of the most important part of Jesus's ministry!!then today its bout the heart!like the type of fruits u have determine what seed u plant...and how deep the roots are!!not just the bad side!but the good side as well!!are your roots deep in God?hahaha!!and worship!dont just sing the right song or the 'feel good song'.but have a heart of worship..dont just go for mission trips..have a heart for mission!!so have to constant keep myself in check!!attitude!hahaha!!some sensitive topic!hahaha!!that one of the things God cannot change is your attitude!God gave us freedom of choice!and the attitude we have is a very sacred thing!!and praying!what do u pray for?what do u ask God for?are the things always about yourself?or is it about His kingdom and purpose?instead of asking God to do things for u why not asking God what can u do to for Him?not because He needs u..but u love Him so much and u want to do more for Him....and know the mind of God!if u want this,its gonna take time!!hahaha!!!u will have to have a good relationship!!and have u guys ever realise why some people pray nothing happens,but some people,they pray somethings just happens?all are relationship!!yeah!!develop a good relationship with God!!its gonna take some time!!hahahaha!!dont have to act or fake it!!people can see it by the fruits u produce!!!yeah!!so all these are thoughts for today!!!well!!lots of them!!!but its good for the soul!!yup yup!!!love all u people!!!and will try to update more often!!hahaha!!!
hard times is to strengthen us!!for God to be our strength!!!anyone can leave u but God in heaven will always be there for us!!man will fail u!!but God never fails!!when we feel the most down,most sad,feel most left out,confused or lost!!God is just beside us!!He knows our pain!!He promised us that He will never leave us nor forsake us!!anyone can let u down!but God will never let u down!!cry out to Him and His arms are always open for u!!!Jesus is still more important!!we are all about God and His business!!after this phrase then we can enjoy the fruits!!!press on!!never give up!!!I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE UP!!!NEVER GOING TO GIVE UP OR CALL IT QUIT!!NEVER EVER!!!Thank u Jesus!!!